Tier Seven

PRE-ICO Partnerships

Tier Six

Access to private chat lounge

Tier Five

NFT Generator Access

Tier Four

NFT royalty payments

Tier Three

DAO payments

Tier Two

Crypto Blocks Educate access

Tier One

Designated land plot in Crypto Blocks metaverse server.
Exclusive social media access.
Unlock play to earn bonuses.

Use BLOCKS Token

Use BLOCKS Tokens to upgrade your NFT tier, swap your NFT Crypto Core, or upgrade the Crypto Core mulitplier. BLOCKS Tokens used are then burned or redistributed to holders based on community voting.


MumzyCRF is a IL501C(3) Tax-Exempt, a philanthropic organization that serves Children & Communities living in extreme poverty so that they can have access to basic Education, Clean Water, Safe Shelters, Medical Centers & Sustainable Projects which empower them to get (themselves) out of poverty & illiteracy.

15% of our minting costs will be going to MumzyCRF